Can a straight woman fall in love with a lesbian and be true to the lesbian?


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There are many ways to approach this question, and it’s important not to see sexuality in black-and-white terms. Sexuality is fluid, complicated, messy, and sometimes frustrating. A woman can identify as straight for most of her life and then meet someone who changes everything. I had a colleague who was seemingly straight, only talking about men and her struggles in relationships with them. However, after meeting my ex, they instantly connected, and within three months, my colleague moved to Sweden to be with her. They’re now getting married and planning a future together.

In same-sex relationships, trust is crucial. If a woman previously identified as straight, it doesn’t diminish the trust in the current relationship. It’s about being present, taking each day as it comes, and not letting fears or insecurities overshadow the connection. Focus on the present relationship rather than dwelling on past experiences. Each previous relationship served as preparation for the one at hand. Embrace the journey and be there for each other wholeheartedly.

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