Do women use sex to get what they want?
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Hello everyone,
I have a question and maybe a misconception. I want your help to overcome my misconception if true.
Most girls use sex for getting what they want from their partners. A girl may offer sex to her lover for getting something she wants or a wife offers sex to her husband to buy something that she is interested in, an unknown girl offers sex to a man who helped her.
Are my thoughts true? Do women engage in sex and offer their body to get only what they want? Why do they behave like this? Why do they use sex like weapons?
I think women don’t need weapons. They are born and growing with there beautiful weapons whic they offerto men to get what they want. They offer their vagina, mouth, and ass hole and use these weapons to blackmail men with these weapons.
” Almost every girl in his life time offers sex for getting what she need or to get what she wants”.
I am asking this question as whenever I ask my wife to do something new in bed, she definitely agrees but she asks for something like a gift, car, diamond, necklace, etc. She told me that she had three weapons and she can blackmail me to get what she wants. I asked her what those weapons were? She simply laughed and said that the holes you men want to fuck from our bodies. these are our weapons.
I agree with her because we men always dream about these holes to be fucked, sucked, licked by doing these all we get pleasure but girls will get pleasure and some other things they want.
So, I want to know how many percentage of women use their weapons on men to get what they want? Do men agree?
Answers ( 3 )
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It goes both ways, both men and women have to put something on the table so that they can continue their exclusive sexual relationship.
In the case of a female, she offers her reproduction capabilities to her male partner and in order to get the privilege of her reproduction capabilities the make has to offer the female protection. This is the scheme that goes almost always happens in the whole of the animal kingdom and humans are no exceptions.
Sure in humans there are some exceptions, but exceptions are not the rule.
During pre historic times when males were hunters and females were gatherers, the females offered their exclusive reproduction to the male who could offer them food, safety and shelter. Also, think about which is the world’s oldest profession (hint: it’s not agriculture)
This trend has pretty much continued to the present. Check any matrimonial website in which the guys mostly demand physical attributes in a woman (so she’s healthy enough to carry his child) and the women mostly demand high financial attributes in a man (so he could take care of both the woman and the child).
If you think that this is not fair, let me tell you, the world in not fair. Due to the above system the human race has evolved and come to the present situation, if sexual rights were given to unhealthy or genetically weak individuals indiscriminately, the human race would’ve become extinct a long time ago.
So to sum it up. Both men and women have sex to get something in return
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I do not agree with your findings and I think your wife taking your advantage just because of she knows that this is the best way to get what she wants from you but that does not hold true for each girl.
My wife never demands anything in return of sex and whenever I ask to do something new in bed, she enthusiastically wants to try it out. I never came across random girl who offers me sex to get something from me.
However, girlfriend or wife sometimes demands gift or something to do new things in bed but that do it out of love and I do not find anything wrong.
I think your wife deserves to get something when she pleases in the bed. You have over analyzed situation based on your wife’s demand.
I had few sexual partners before I got married but none of them used sex as a weapon to get something from me so I do not want to buy your arguments that women use sex as a weapon.
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Just because a woman has sex with you does not mean she is in love with you. I learned it the hard way.
My maid kept throwing hints and one day confessed her love for me. I thought she might be in need for some physical love since her husband is paralysed. So I started having physical relationship with my maid who is much older than me. Turns out she was sleeping with me to extract money. 2k per week is not bad for casual sex, but now I am not emotionally connected to her as before and don’t know how long she will keep using me.
BTW, my maid is 45+, mostly hit menopause so we don’t use protection