Why do extra-marital affairs make people behave aggressively?


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Dear All,

Recently, I came across some horrible news in which extramarital affairs make people do unbelievable things like killing their spouse or children, inlaws and other relatives. They then run away with their new partners, leaving all the mess behind.

In most cases, this is happening with married women who are between the ages of 35 and 40 who run away with guys who are aged between 20 and 27. Why is this happening? What could be the reason for partners who are having an extra marital affair resort to such cruelty? Don’t they think of the effects of their gruesome action on their future lives?

Is it true that women are at their sexual peak between the ages of 30 to 40 and so will go to any lengths to have sex?

Answers ( 2 )


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    You do have a point. Couples having an extra-marital affair are often living on a knife’s edge and so likely to slip and cause destruction to themselves and their family. Most partners in such affairs are so stressed that it does not take long to commit to actions that cloud one’s judgement.

    Since Society does not approve of extra-marital affairs, there is great need to keep such affairs under the shroud and away from public glare, this causes actions which may seem justifiable to the couple but is a crime in the eyes of the Society. Getting rid of a partner, children or in-laws who are perceived to be in the way of the affair are likely targets for elimination. What may seem heinous to an outsider, seems to be justified by those having the affair.

    You are right to conclude that women in their 30s and 40s are more prone to affairs. While this is not necessarily due to a heightened sexual arousal, but may be due to the factors at this age, such as independence, earning capacity, dullness of an existing marriage and education.

    The stigma attached to cheating has dropped considerably and what was taboo in the past is now accepted in social media. Women having their own jobs have less to lose economically from a divorce than a woman who is dependent on her husband. Education also play a role and the more educated a woman is the greater the chances of her having an affair. People, who have had multiple sex partners in the past, also would be more prone to having affairs after marriage.

    As I mentioned earlier, chances of an affair developing are greater when a woman is working. The close contact with other males in an office and the long hours spent together adds fuel to fire.  A Cornell University study on income and infidelity found that women are least likely to stray when they depend on their husband’s income. They may have fewer opportunities to cheat and may decide it isn’t worth it because their livelihood may be at risk.  Ironically, the same Cornell University study found that men who bring home most of the household income are also more likely to cheat. Men were least likely to cheat when their partners made about 75% of their incomes.

    Kissing is statistically more common than intercourse. 42% to 62% of individuals reported meeting their extramarital partner at work.

    It was also proved that women who are dominant in a relationship were more likely to have an extramarital relationship.      

    So, a extra-marital affair is a complicated issue and depends on many factors that I have enumerated above. 


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    This is more true when a man is playing. Men who go to call girls terms to treat them as slaves or objects of sex … rarely as human beings. In reality a lot of call girls are on job forcefully, therefore are subjected to  horrific treatment.
    We are largely made from Indian cinema. A generation who learnt life from cinema. Therein man abuses the female most often in bed.
    New generation women in to pleasure business – extramarital flings, escorting etc. A are — of willing, and personally in that situation.
    They can will and should stop aggression beyond their acceptable levels.
    Women now give aggressive sex to men quite often .. as desired by the man .
    Aggression is  now being balanced in bed.

    Extramarital and aggression is from  fear, guilt or shame.
    This also will change when society tales extramartial relationships COOL like smoking or boozing…
    why not ??

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