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Kissing Games for Adults (on the Kinky Side)

Kissing Games for Adults (on the Kinky Side)

Think back to the days of your youth… did your teenage years involve parties and games that were all about kissing? Was your first kiss with the cute guy or gal that you had your eye on in a game of Seven Minutes in Heaven

Well, whether you experienced the blissful activity of kissing-on-demand or not, kissing games are actually a whole lot of fun… and not just for horny teens. 

Because, let’s be honest, who says you need to grow up and forget all about the fun that fuelled your (wet) dreams at 13? 

With that, we’re all about recreating fun and games for adults who love a bit of kink and adventure. A passionate kiss out of love and lust is great, but add a little twist in the form of a kissing game, and you can peak your curiosity and sexual energy tenfold.

Sexually-Charged Kissing Games

Kissing Game 1: Spin the Bottle

If you’ve ever played this game before as a teen, you’ll know what it feels like to have your heart beat out of your chest, watching a glass bottle spin around in circles, hoping that it’ll land on your crush. 

And when it finally does, your cheeks go red and you begin licking your lips in anticipation of a bit, wet, and sloppy kiss. Oftentimes however, this isn’t the case. 

Why? Well, teens get embarrassed easily. They cringe and giggle, and when it comes to new sexual experiences, it’s all about exploration. 

As an adult however, it’s a whole different story. Adults know that kissing is one or the best things one could do with their mouth, and they’re ready to go to town (especially if there’s some sexual chemistry).

So, if you (and your partner) have some super sexy and or fun friends that you wouldn’t mind getting a bit frisky with, then gather round in a circle and get playing!

How to Play Spin the Bottle

It’s super easy! The game should have a minimum of four players (the more, the merrier though), who’re all sat in a circle. 

A bottle is placed in the centre of the circle, and one by one, each person has a turn to spin it. The person spinning the bottle should then kiss the person whomever the neck of the bottle lands on. Once complete, the person who has just been kissed will persist to spin. 

What makes this game even more kinky and interesting, is when the bottle neck lands on someone of the same sex!

Kissing Game 2: Truth or Dare

Of course, nearly every single person in the world knows all about this game. But when you’re an adult, things can get extremely hot and sexy. 

And if the last time you played Truth or Dare was when you were 15 sitting in your best friend’s basement, you’ve got a whole new adventure waiting for you.

You see, teens think that the question, “Would you ever kiss your math teacher?” is a giggle-worthy and naughty thing to ask. Adults on the other hand, can get extremely raunchy. 

What’s also fun about playing Truth or Dare, is that you get to learn all kinds of saucy information about someone.

How to Play Truth or Dare

Again, a super easy game to play. Simply ask the question, “Truth or dare?” to someone in the game. 

If they answer ‘truth’, you have free reign to ask them anything you want. If they answer ‘dare’, you can command them to do whatever you ask (within limits, of course). And so, the one who was asked, will go next.

Kissing Game 3: The Red Challenge

What’s more lustful than a full set of lips decorated beautifully with red lipstick? Well, having said-red lipstick covering your entire body after receiving a copious amount of kisses. 

And that’s exactly what The Red Challenge game is all about. Intrigued?

How to Play The Red Challenge

Gather some of your nearest and dearest adventurous friends and couple up. Then, one partner should cover their delectable lips with red lipstick. 

When the clock starts, the one wearing the lipstick has 60 seconds to kiss their partner all over. The person with the most red lips on their body, wins. 

What do they win? Well, a ton of sexually-charged kisses… and of course the pride of winning.

Kissing Game 4: Jelly Bracelet 

If you’re after a game that’s even more kinky than the average, then Jelly Bracelet may just be right up your street. 

And while this game does involve kissing, it also involves a little more than kissing on the mouth (at your discretion, of course). 

The game is simple and could lead to hours of fun between partners, friends with benefits or within a group – if that’s your thing.

How to Play Jelly Bracelet

A person will wear a colourful jelly bracelet and each colour will represent a different sexual act. So while green could indicate a sweet and romantic smooch, red could mean 60 seconds of uninterrupted kissing of the nipples. 

Playing between partners is a fun way to pass the time, while those who’re in an open relationship or into swinging or exhibitionism/voyeurism may just get quite a crack out of it too.

Kissing Game 5: Pass or Fail

One may see this game as a means to receiving raunchy tongue action, but you may also see it as a way in which to distinguish the good kissers from the bad. 

Want to know if you’re compatible with the one you’re pining after? A fun game of Pass or Fail is here to help you out.

How to Play Pass or Fail

In a group, either the men or the women will form a line. The ones receiving the kiss will either wear a blindfold or the lights can be turned off. Then, the opposite sex will make their way down the line and give each person a kiss. 

The person who is blindfolded/receiving the kisses will then give their kisser a score in the form of either pass or fail. Of course, pass means they’re a good kisser while fail indicates the opposite (sorry).

Kissing Game 6: Kissing Dice

As versatile as they are, dice can be used in as a tool for innocent fun or a piece of equipment for endless adult fun. 

And today, we’re going to teach you how to really shake things up when it comes to using dice in a delectably dirty manner. Ready to transform a somewhat average night into a kinky one?

How to Play Kissing Dice

To play this game, you can either do a DIY job, or you can source raunchy dice from an adult store (or maybe even a gag gift store). On each surface of the dice, a word is displayed. You’ll need two di to play the game.

On the one dice, you’ll write naughty verbs like kiss, lick, suck etc. On the other one, you’ll have body parts like neck, lips, breasts etc. Then, roll each dice to decide what sexy act to do on your partner and where. 

If you choose to write the words yourself, you can play the game as PG or as dirty as you like. If you buy them, well then I guess the sexiness is up to the fate of the dice.

Kissing Game 7: Trivial Kiss-Suit

Do you thrive on knowing facts? And do you feel as though you know your partner inside out? Then throw out the classic game of Trivial Pursuit and give Trivial Kiss-Suit a whirl. It’s basically the same, but with an element of intimacy and sassiness. 

What do you need to enjoy this game? A vibe that’s sexually and or romantically-charged, and the confidence to admit that you know a lot about your partner. 

How to Play Trivial Kiss-Suit

The rules of the game are fairly easy. Each partner should answer a series of questions about themselves (you can decide together which questions you’d like answered). 

It could be simple ones like, “What’s your favorite color?” or “Who’s your best friend?” Or, you could choose to get a bit hot and heavy with questions like, “What’s your favorite place to be kissed?” 

Then, each partner will write down their answers secretly on a piece of paper. Finally, one by one, each partner will be quizzed on the aforementioned questions. Every correct answer will be rewarded with a steamy smooch.

Kissing Game 8: The Kissing Word Game

This is a lovely kissing game for partners to enjoy, and has a delightful innocence to it too. 

It can be played whilst in the car, listening to your favourite songs at home, or tuning into the radio on a breezy Sunday morning. Whenever and wherever you choose to play it, it has to involve music.

How to Play The Kissing Word Game

One partner will choose a word and keep it a secret. Then, together you’ll listen to the lyrics of the music and once/if the word has been sung, the one who chose the word will give their partner a kiss. 

In this way, the receiver of the sweet kisses must try to guess what the word is. Isn’t that just darling?

Now you can enjoy the sweet lips of the one you fancy, love, or lust after in a fun and entertaining way! Yay for adult kissing games!

About askanjali.netPundit

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