(32m)Boyfriend broke up with me(30f) during an argument and took it back within half an hour- I haven’t felt okay since
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He asked me to move into the guest room and during the process I was messaging work because I was going to be late or not in at all since I was actively being broken up with over a heated argument. He told me of course I would call out and got even more mad at me so I ordered a ride and got my stuff together and moved the few things of mine in the living room to the guest room. He apologized and hugged me while I waited for my ride to work and said he still wanted to work on things but I’ve felt just empty ever since. He says he’s tired of being in charge of my complaints (about the relationship) and I’m just trying to find ways to not feel like I’m pretending while sitting around on eggshells all week. It’s been a shitty week. Idk what to do. I’m so upset because I love him so much but it seems like no matter how many ways I express to him what my needs and desires are they will always just be a chore or an inconvenience to him. I don’t really feel like the details matter so much but I’m insecure in the relationship and he’s financially insecure and we just can’t seem to see eye to eye on anything. I do things to engage with him and his hobbies like video games daily but he can’t be bothered to even go on dates or help me come up with something fun to do together that makes me feel fulfilled, and now with the tension if I suggest anything or ask for something to try he’s just taking it as more complaints or ridicule.
I’m exhausted and I kind of feel like I should have moved into the guest room. (I know if I do now he’ll just tell me I’m being dramatic or trying to get a reaction out of him so I haven’t) I don’t want us to break up but I’m also kind of done trying anymore I’m too tired and sad about it all and every argument now feels like a potential breakup so I’m afraid to even talk to him. Please help
TLDR: bad argument between my bf of 2 years and I has put me in a place where I feel like any disagreement can lead to a breakup and I feel numb
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