Any chances to save my love relationship with my girlfriend?
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Helo to AA members,
I am in a big problem, plz help me guys.
I have a girlfriend and we have a two year relationship. We use to love each other a lot and are even ready to do anything for her. In a past few months we had a lot of fights and it resulted in finishing of our relationship.
Soon it nearly came to an end (last week ) and she said she dont want to have any relation now. I asked her the reason and she said that my few actions have finished the love in her heart . To which even i agree that its my fault. I convinced a lot and after then I got 1 chance to change myself and regain her love.
So plz guys tell me something that can help me to regain her love, I cant imagine my love without her
Answers ( 2 )
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Follow “NO CONTACT-NO FORCE” rule!!! This means, stop contacting with her!! And stop pushing her,stop trying to make her “understand” you and the relation!!!
No-contact rule is a very effective technique to get back your ex!! It works as a reverse psychology to get your ex girlfriend back…..
Let me explain in short why no contact with your ex girlfriend is so powerful!!
The first thing is, “No contact” rule stops the girl from seeing a lot of emotions that you are going through. And this is the emotion that usually pushes girls away!!
If you keep distance with her,she will not see your desperate side. Remember that the more desperate you are,the less sexy,unattractive you are!!! Think about this 😉
Think about her standing. What would she expect you to do? Well,she expects you to be there begging and pleading for her attention. But what if you don’t do it? Well,when you don’t beg and plead to her,she will get a big surprise,her ego will hurt,her reversal psychology will trigger.
How many times did you like a beggar in front of your door? Not many times I guess! Don’t show yourself as a beggar in front her. Don’t beg,don’t plead,don’t try to correct,or make her understand. Begging,crying,showing emotions to ‘get her back’-all this does is ‘devalue’ you in the girl’s eyes. The more you beg and plead the less worth you appear to have.
She has an internal script like all women do,and she knows that you will act according to her that internal script. But when you don’t,she will be puzzled,confused,and weak!!
Then,again,the more you get to distance from her,the more curious she will get about you!! Curiosity may trick her to get back to you!
Also,your ex may want some time away, so give it to her. With the gap of time,she may realize your value in her life,she may miss you. Give her some times,let her stay alone for a while. You just vanish from her life for a while. By having time apart you are giving them something to ‘miss’. Your absence can create a sense of ‘loss’ to them, making them place a higher value on YOU and tricking their heart into wanting you back to fill this void.
It is human nature that when we are forced or pushed about something,we become more resistance to it. So,stop making her feel forced or pushed. Stop discussing your relation for a while,what went wrong,how you should correct yourselves,etc.
After you keep distance with her,wait………….Have patience. Sometimes,the ex could get back to you even after months of distance. I have seen impossible things happening in a relation that was not supposed to happen. There is always hope. Just drive the situation in the right direction.
– Stop communicating with her, stop seeing her.
– Stop showing her your emotions, and how messy and desperate you are without her.
– Do regular exercise, meet with friends. Try to have fun.
– Talk with other girls to fill the vacuum that she created!!
– Have patience. Be confident, be hopeful, be positive about the fact that she will get back!!!
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You have a 2 year relationship, but is it a committed one. From what I gather in your comments, the relationship seems to be one-sided. You have treated her badly and she is now paying you back by cutting off all relations with you. Whats wrong with that.
You say you have changed. But all this time you were trying to change her to suit your image of her. As elitely has suggested, you need to give her space. Let her decide whether you have changed. We always treasure something when we dont have it, and lose the value when we possess it.
Approach a common friend, who will explain your sincerity. And till then keep your fingers crossed.