How can I maintain a good sex life after 60?
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How can I maintain a good sex life after 60?
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Answer ( 1 )
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One can enjoy sex till he/she desires and is also capable of physically performing the penetrative sexual intercourse with a consenting partner. It is true that the aging process affects several aspects of our life. That is why many jobs and professions have an official ‘retirement age’, when even the most capable person is expected to step down from his responsibilities. Aging gradually restricts many of our physical functions and affects several of our corporal attributes. The ability to perform sexual intercourse is not an exception. However, to have a good sex life for a longer time, you need to meticulously maintain a good physical fitness and overall good health. A regular 40- minute brisk walk, balanced diet, adequate sleep and staying away from certain vices and unhealthy habits will help you remain in good health and have a longer sex life.