I recently saw a live demo of a man taking a P-shot plasma injection in his private parts.
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I am 73 and I have erectile dysfunction. On YouTube, I recently saw a live demo of a man taking a P-shot plasma injection in his private parts. I want to know if this procedure can cure the problem of narrowed blood vessels in the penis due to old age. If yes, is the treatment available in India?
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P shot treatment or priapus shot is basically extracting platelets from the patient himself and injecting them into the penis, which helps in growth of the blood vasculature and also in other aspects required for better sexual life. I would recommend doing a penile coppler Doppler first to assess the narrowing of blood vessels. Many times medications in itself will be good enough for you. As far as P shots availability in India is concerned, they are available generally with a qualified urologist or andrologist. But first visit a doctor who will assess whether you require a P shot and whether medically there are no other contraindications for the same in your case.