I think my fiancé is addicted to porn and he won’t admit it
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I know I’m young and don’t know a lot about life or being married, but I do know that marriage is supposed to be about trust and loyalty to one another. I’m only 21 and my fiancé is 22, so I know age or lack of energy to have sex is not the problem. I first noticed he would watch porn when we first started dating ,and for some reason or another or maybe my lack of trust due to past relationships, i looked through his web history. I told his straight out that I didn’t like it and I wanted him to stop, and he said okay that he would. But as months go by, he just can’t seem to stop despite all the numerous times I’ve asked him to stop. He knows it bothers me, I cry for hours when I find out he’s been watching porn and lies to me about it. I’ve read so much about it, I know the situation won’t get better unless he admits he has a problem which he won’t, and I’m just honestly so confused and hurt right now. I recently found out I’m expecting a little before thanksgiving. I thought that would change things. It’s something we’ve talked about and something we both wanted. But thanksgiving I walk into the restroom to brush my teeth while he’s in there and I can’t him looking at naked pictures of girls. There’s been now four other occasions in which I catch him looking at these websites and it just seems like it’s getting worse with everyday that my belly is growing. I even went to the extremes of putting an app that reports every website he goes on but even then he found a way around it. He knows it hurts my feelings, it brings down my self esteem so why does he do it. I have a daughter already so I know I don’t look like the girls he fantasizes about and I know he has a thing for big boobs and I’ve even considered getting surgery because I’m so self conscious about myself. But I know this is wrong, I shouldn’t have to feel this way. I know I’m not ugly, I was a size 0 before I started gaining baby weight, so I know there’s no need for him to be fantasizing about other girls. I’ve asked him repeatedly to admit he has a problem so we could get him help but he won’t. I’ve cried to him so many times about how this makes me feel and it just seems like he doesn’t care or even love me because if he did, he would change his ways for me. I’ve even asked him to leave me if I’m not what he wants instead of going behind my back and hurting me. I’ve read so much about this in just the past few weeks because I honestly just don’t know what to do anymore. I know it’s not as bad as the situations other women are in, but still, there’s shouldn’t be any kind of “situation” at all. We’re starting a family together and I would hate for this to end on something as meaningless and stupid as this. But how can I trust someone who lies about not watching it and even goes as far as accusing me as the person who planted those websites on his history. How do I sea with this situation? What should I do? Please someone just help me.
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