Multiple white pin-head-sized spots on the ridge of my glans penis.
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I am 24. I have developed multiple white pin-head-sized spots on the ridge of my glans penis. Is it a sign of any STD? I have never had intercourse with anyone. These spots don’t pain or bleed. I wonder if I can try removing them myself. I am really worried about them. Please help me!
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If you are freaking out over the tiny, white, pin-head-sized spots that have appeared on the ridge of your glans penis, you can breathe a sigh of relief as these are common and absolutely harmless! They are called as “Pearly Penile Papules” (PPP), also known as ‘Hirsutoid papillomas’ or ‘Hirsuties Coronae Glandis’ in medical language. PPP are usually very small, filiform to dome-shaped, skin-coloured bumps that are typically found on the ridge or sulcus of the glans penis. They are seen characteristically arranged circumferentially in one or many rows. These are often mistaken for a STD such as venereal warts, but are in fact entirely harmless. You can neither contract them nor transmit them. They generally do not itch, ooze or bleed – but if they do, you must consult a doctor. PPP are found more common in ‘uncircumcised’ men in their 20s and 30s. Somehow, the mechanism underlying their development is still unknown. In the absence of a conclusive known cause for PPP and they being harmlessness to one’s health, there is no treatment required. Under no circumstances should one attempt to remove them oneself. If you are still worried, do not hesitate to get examined by a qualified doctor.