My daughter found out I am actually her mom after thinking I am her sister her whole life


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I (f29) got pregnant at 16, I wanted to keep and raise my baby so badly but realized both my baby and I deserved better. So my parents decided to adopt my daughter and raise her as their own considering they were very much more financially stable than me at 16. I was able to graduate high school and college and become financially stable and just make a life for myself.
I now live 3 hours away from my daughter and parents I visit most weekends and holidays just because I want to see my daughter grow up and know her. Yesterday was my daughter’s 13th birthday and the last day of spring break for her so I decided to take a few days off of work so I could celebrate with her and spend some extra time with her.
I decided to take her shopping as her birthday present so she could buy what she wants. It went well we had fun. Afterward, we were in the car and she asked if I had any gum I told her it was in my purse. Well, I keep a picture of when my daughter was born and me holding her just as motivation. My daughter found it and was confused asking when did I have a baby. Then she looked at the back and realized her name was written back there. Safe to say she freaked out and has not talked to me or my parents since. I honestly feel horrible I know she feels so hurt and confused.

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