My wife, who is of the same age, has lost interest in sex after having our first child by C-section


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 I am a 30-year-old man. My wife, who is of the same age, has lost interest in sex after having our first child by C-section. She doesn’t feel aroused anymore and then I always end up feeling like I am pushing her. Please suggest what should I do. Is this normal at this age? How can I solve this?

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    Interest in sex varies in women, based on varying life circumstances. There is a possibility that after the birth of your child, there are added responsibilities on your wife as a mother. These might be very demanding on her, physically as well as emotionally, leaving very little time and energy for her to be a sensual lover and a sexual partner. Motherhood is an intense part of a woman’s life. A first-time mother pours her heart and soul into her new-born. Nurturing her baby becomes her ‘primary’ pre-occupation. This gives her utmost satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment. During this time, therefore, she is not just far removed from any sexual urges, but also from many other aspects of life. Your over concern with what could be a very normal and temporary ‘dip’ in her sexual desire could actually exacerbate the situation. If you question her or excessively focus on her lowered sexual desire, it might just make her more anxious and adversely affect her desire levels. You need to take it easy. Allow her some more time. As the baby grows, a woman begins to return to her pre-pregnancy state. Her menstruation starts again, and even her sexual desire comes back.

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