Pull out Method to avoid pregnancy?


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My age is twenty-six. For the past two years, my wife and I have been successfully avoiding pregnancy by using the pull-out method. Does this approach truly work? What other options do we have?

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    The scientific term for what you refer to as a “pull-out method” is “Coitus interruptus,” or the “withdrawal method” of contraception. Using this technique, a man extracts his penis from the vagina before to ejaculating or experiencing an orgasm. This is done in an attempt to prevent conception by stopping the sperm from meeting the ovum. Recall that it is the birth control method with the highest failure rate and the most “unreliable” aspect. A guy begins secreting a pre-ejaculatory fluid well in advance of his actual ejaculation when he is aroused. Sperm may also be present in this pre-ejaculatory fluid, which has the potential to result in pregnancy. A man may find it challenging to pull out because it requires a great deal of awareness and self-control. Premature ejaculation can also occur quite suddenly, depriving a man of the necessary time and chance to remove his penis, even if that is his intention. As such, there is a very real chance that using the withdrawal approach will result in an unintended or unexpected pregnancy. In the past, before the development of contemporary contraceptive techniques like the condom, IUDs, and pills, the withdrawal method was recommended. The ‘withdrawal’ is now out of date due to modern, more efficient methods of contraception.

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