The breasts have started appearing swollen and he says they even hurt on touching.


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My son is a 15-year-old boy. Since last few months, his both the breasts have started appearing swollen and he says they even hurt on touching. Why is it happening to him? He is a boy. He says that he also gets lots of sexual thoughts? Is it because he excessively gets all these sexual thoughts?

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    Most boys tend to get breast budding around the time they hit puberty. They find that their breasts swell and are painful. Some adolescent boys develop a lot of swelling, which makes them feel worried that they are going to develop big breasts like girls. Do not worry! This is perfectly normal, and his sexual thoughts and feelings are definitely not causing it. The large amount of hormones secreted by certain endocrine glands in his body are generating this swelling and tenderness. It would take about a year or even a year and a half, but the swelling in breasts will definitely reduce when his endocrine glands stop producing such large quantity of hormones. Currently his body is mounting hormone production to transform a boy into a grown up adult man. As a result of these changes, the nipple areas get somewhat swollen and tender. This commonly happens around the age 13 to 16 and is perfectly normal. All it needs is some reassurance and patience.

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