Why is my wife getting vaginal infection often?


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Dear AA members,

I am 25 years old and my wife is 24 years old. We are happily married for 7 months and since then we have had a very beautiful and understanding life. We love each other a lot. Ours was a love marriage and we dated for 3 years before marriage.

Talking about sex. we enjoy sex very much and I give her great foreplay as she likes it very much. It gives her great pleasure. I like to use long lasting condom every time we have sex. The problem is that she has been getting vaginal infection ever since we got married. She has got infection 4 times in 7 months at an interval of every 1.5 month approx.

She loves hygiene and cleanses her genitals everyday while having bath. What could be the reason for having such frequent infections. Is it due to my saliva which remains around in her vagina after sucking or is it the use of condom or could there be another reason?

Please members, suggest the reason and give solutions to the problem.

Answers ( 2 )


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    There are some things that disturb healthy *flaura and fauna* of a clitoris. These may include hormone level changes (by first time intercourse), antibiotics, pregnancy and regular intercourse itself. Itching, burning and change in discharge in terms of color, smell and sometimes texture are symptoms of different types of vaginal infections. There can be other underlying conditions that can mimic the symptoms of vaginal infections. Therefore, it is paramount to see a doctor for diagnosis any time she experience such infection. Some women who suffer from one of the two most common recurring vaginal infections, yeast vaginosis and bacterial vaginosis (BV). So I am writing list of do’s and don’t so you can convey on my behalf for her to follow.

    List of Do’s:
    – Make her drink beer! Barley water can reduce burning and can calm the sensation of stinging. Anything under 250 ml branded beer may provide instant relief.

    – Yogurt has live pro biotic or friendly bacteria, that assists to restore normal bacteria and yeast levels in mucus membranes of the vagina. At least 500 grams a day without adding any sweetener. Chaas with dint of rock salt will be helpful

    – If she’s the cook, four cloves of garlic and chunk of ginger chopped and add it to vegetable soup and other meals. Garlic has long been known for its anti fungal properties, and she can use it to cure and prevent vaginal infections.

    – Increase the amount of essential fatty acids found in some fish and nuts to reduce inflammation and tissue swelling.

    – Reduce the amount of animal fats in your diet, that means no non vegetarian AND spicy food.  

    – Avoid sexual intercourse, especially aggressive one with her until she feels healed completely. Some vaginal infections can be transmitted sexually even if symptoms aren’t present, so it is a good idea to use a condom every time you have sex if you are prone to frequent infections. If you are giving orals in such situation, you risk receiving mouth ulcers and throat infections.

    – Ask her to reduce wearing friction causing ill fitted panties, pants, bike-scooty riding and other activities.

    Wearing cotton nickers to wick moisture away from the area, and wipe herself from front to back after urinating or having a bowel movement. Keep close eyes on tampons, pads, toilet paper, soap and other products that have artificial dyes and fragrances as it may result in recurring of problem, even after it’s treated.


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    If I’m not mistaken in my diagnosis, your wife also has a whitish yellow discharge every time she gets an infection. This is called bacterial vaginosis and is easily treatable.

    The ironical fact of why your wife has repeated infection is due to her routine of cleansing her vagina very meticulously. The vagina naturally keeps itself free from infection by producing acidic secretions that lowers the pH to less than 4.5, the bacteria however needs a pH of 7 to survive and thrive. The pH is increases if the naturally produced acids are lost by constantly cleaning the vagina with water which has a pH of 7. Once the pH increases, the bacteria thrive in the vagina and causes an infection.
    And it’s okay the clean the skin over the vagina, but never spray water inside the vagina and clean it.

    Does licking the vagina(cunnilingus) cause the infection??
    Only if the pH of the vagina has already increased due to the constant cleaning can cunnilingus cause bacterial vaginosis. If the pH of the vagina is less than 4.5 then cunnilingus will cause no bacterial infections(except for gonorrhoeic). Don’t worry she doesn’t have gonorrhoeic, females will show symptoms very late, the males will show the symptoms first.

    All condoms are cleaned and sterilized before they are packed, so it’s not due to the condoms. However the flavored condoms which uses actual sugars are notorious to cause infections.

    Bacterial vaginosis is easily treatable by having medications for 7 days or using vaginal gels for 5 days. You will have to meet an gynecologists’  specialist to get the medications as it’s highly unethical if I start prescribing drugs over the Internet without as much as a physical examination.

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